
  • To create technology awareness about the introduction of new technologies/ concepts in the area of inputs, marketing by organizing seminars, workshops, exhibitions at the local, district, regional, state, national, international level for promotion of the entrepreneurship.
  • To introduce technologies and strengthen the infrastructure right from the registration level to the market and if necessary create such infrastructure and markets to serve the Entrepreneur community and its members in particular.
  • To pool the produce of several Entrepreneurs in an area and to improve linkage between manufacturers and marketers and consumers in the process of marketing.
  • To increase manufacturers share in consumer price To help establish communication network for the speedy collection and dissemination of
    market information/data for its efficient and timely use The association will act as a source for information including arrival, prices, import, export.
  • To network for resource mobilization with all other related etc.. agencies/organizations both of Govt of India and the Government of Tamilnadu, financial institutions, insurance agencies and private agencies engaged in the field of entrepreneurship promotion.
    To adjudge disputes or controversies between Members of the association.
  • To arbitrate in the settlement in the disputes arising out of commercial transactions between parties willing or agreeing to abide by the judgment and decision of the association.
  • To take all steps by lawful means which may be necessary for promotion, supporting, or opposing legislation or other action affecting aforesaid economic interests and in general to take the initiative to assist and to promote entrepreneurship and trade.
  • To subscribe, to become a member of and co-operate with any other Association, whether incorporated or not whose objects are altogether or in point similar to those of this association and to procure from and communicate to any such Associations such information as may be likely to forward the objectives of this association.
  • To accept, receive, purchase, take on lease, or hire otherwise acquire any movable or immovable property or any rights or privileges
    necessary or convenient for the purpose of the association on such terms and conditions.
  • From time to time to borrow or raise moneys which may be required for the purpose of the association upon bonds, bills of exchange, promissory notes or other obligations or securities of the association or by mortgage or charge of the Association’s property.
  • To sell, improve, manage, develop, lease, mortgage, dispose of, or otherwise deal with all or any part of the property of the association.
    To construct or alter or keep in repair any buildings required or used by or for the association and to pull down or demolish any buildings not so required.
  • To establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of Associations, institutions, funds, trusts and other convenience calculated to benefit employees of the association or the dependents or actions of such persons and grant ex-gratia payments and allowances to
    make payments towards insurance and other social welfare schemes.
  • To enter into any arrangement with any Government or authority supreme, municipal, local or otherwise that may seem conductive to the association objects or any of them and to obtain from any such Government or authority of rights, concessions and privileges, aid, grants, donations, financial or otherwise, which the association may think fit and desirable to obtain and to carry out exercises and comply with such arrangements, rights, privileges and concessions.
  • To set apart and create special fund with special objects and apply the same or any part thereof or the interests or income thereof or any part thereof for all or any of such special objects, special subject to the statutory regulations in force governing the working of the association from time to time.
  • To undertake or execute any trust the undertaking of which may seem to the association desirable either gratuitously or otherwise.
    To have power to establish offices or agencies in India or any part thereof and in particular the State of Tamil Nadu.
  • To do all such acts and things which may be conductive for the preservation, furtherance and expansion of production, trade, industry and its value added products in India and any part thereof and in particular the State of Tamil Nadu, or incidental to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
  • The income and property of the association whensoever’s derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the association set forth in this Memorandum of Association and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise by way of profit to the Members of the association.
  • And, to do all other incidental and usually necessary things that are needed for the attainment of the above objects.
  • The benefits of the association shall be open to all persons irrespective of caste, religion, sex, colour, etc.
  • The association will not function with a profit motive